We are excited to invite you to our Global Info session on the changes to our SPRINT Robotics Action Groups on May 21, 2024. To accommodate our global community, we will hold two sessions:
- SREU & SRAP: 09:00 CEST
With the rapid changes in the robotics landscape and the continuous growth of the SPRINT Robotics Collaborative, we have observed a decline in member participation and engagement in Action Group activities. To address this, we have restructured our Action Groups to enhance collaboration and member involvement.
The updated Action Groups are:
- Surveillance Robotics
- Task-based Robotics
- Renewables and Integration
These groups will provide new opportunities for sharing information, collaboration, and member contributions across all regions and sectors.
We look forward to your participation and enthusiasm to join these new action groups.
Note: Recording will be available on the SR Community for those who will not be able to attend.
There will be another Info session at 16:00 CEST to accommodate members of SRNA & SRLA.