Within SPRINT Robotics are a new portfolio of initiatives to accelerate certain application areas and encourage expansion to new sectors. New industries and supply chains focused on clean energy and the transition to low carbon are emerging. SPRINT Robotics aims to create synergies between sectors, share knowledge and best practices, as well as connecting leading experts in the respective fields.
New Sectors & Domains
Clean Energy
To achieve net zero emissions by 2050, we need an urgent transition from fossil fuels to clean energy. As the transition to clean energy gathers speed, new and rapidly growing industries are shifting their focus to a lower-carbon energy. Robotics for I&M can play a key role in reducing carbon emissions.
AI Exploration
The AI Initiative was started by the Program Committee to explore how AI could contribute to the efficiency and reliability of asset inspections. As Robotics and Artificial Intelligence solutions are being adopted across the energy sector, autonomous bots, drones and vessels are appearing on the horizon.
Industrial Water
Robotics for I&M can play a key role in safeguarding infrastructures. Through increased collection of reliable data in remote, inaccessible, or hazardous environments in a manner that is safe, efficient and cost-effective, robotics can contribute to better water stewardship and a more sustainable future.
Task Force Funding
Funding is essential for acceleration within the I&M Robotics domain. We look to establish innovative ways to support collaborative industry initiatives within SPRINT Robotics. In looking towards the future, we want to ensure that I&M Robotics is a recognized application area for government and private funding.